Who We Help


We offer a variety of programs and services which truly makes the Human Animal Life Foundation unique. Our programs are designed to help troubled at-risk youth and their families get their lives back while incorporating the lives of animals.



Animals in our play a vital role in the balance of life in our programs. We rescue, rehabilitate and retire horses and others while showing our youth that in caring for animals they learn how to care for themselves.



We work with a myriad of professionals such as counselors, social workers, teachers, principals, probation officers, judges, law enforcement and firemen. In working with these professionals we foster community involvement and a loyal sense of “it takes a village to raise a child”.


Counseling Services

We offer counseling for youth that may include families while serving both female and male clients. In addition, we implement group sessions for adolescents where participants are challenged to make friends, engage in teamwork, express emotions and be honest.



While at a Miracle Ranch facility we work directly with local schools to develop and promote success in core classes such as math, English, science and social studies, as well as encouraging success in extra curricular activities.



Once involved with HALF always a part of HALF! Alumni that have gone through our programs are always welcome and are encouraged to come back and continue to be a part of the HALF that matters.